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posted Mar 11, 2023 6:29:18 AM

How can I enter my new spouse's 2022 federal tax return (line 23600) if we haven't completed either return yet?

I'm trying to complete a combo return, and I'm prompted for this when adding my new spouse to my tax return.

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1 Replies
Level 4
Mar 11, 2023 5:37:54 PM

Follow the instructions provided to begin this process:

Preparing a spousal/coupled return

  1. Sign in to your TurboTax account
  2. Select Start a new return
  3. Select the TurboTax Online product you wish to use, and indicate how you did your taxes last year
  4. On the Welcome step, select My spouse/partner and me under the question Who are you preparing this return for?
  5. Follow the prompts to enter your personal information. On the What's your marital status? step, select Married or Living Common-law
  6. At Do you want to prepare your returns together?, select Yes
  7. Select Continue and proceed with completing your returns

For more information, please visit TurboTax FAQ: How do I prepare a spousal or coupled return in TurboTax Online?


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