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Returning Member
posted May 2, 2022 1:40:39 PM

How can you add an additional page to the T1135

I need more space to add my investments by different country codes on section 7 at the bottom

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2 Replies
Level 2
May 2, 2022 8:29:57 PM

You can't - it is fixed at three. TurboTax knew about this issue many years ago and still hasn't fix it. 

I don't know how CRA views this, but what I did was enter the top 2 countries and then lump the rest under the country code OTH, so that the total amount reported is at least correct. After I netfile, I then download the fillable pdf form in CRA website and file an amendment with proper country by country detail and mail in the amendment. 

I find it unforgivable that TurboTax, having known this issue for years, hasn't fixed it. The CRA should not certify TurboTax for use until they fix this. I'll be getting a different tax software next year, if TurboTax still hasn't fix the issue. I heard a competitor has no problem adding additional lines.

Level 3
Mar 29, 2023 2:42:49 PM

It is now 2023 and TurboTax has still not fixed this in the download version.