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New Member
posted Mar 1, 2023 12:35:30 PM

How do I file together with my spouse?

Is there a dropdown somewhere to state we're filing together? Or do I need to create a separate profile?

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1 Replies
Level 4
Mar 3, 2023 8:04:09 AM

In online versions of TurboTax, you can prepare your spouse or common law partner's tax return at the same time as yours. This is called a spousal/coupled return. If you’ve already started your return but haven’t indicated that you want to prepare together, you'll need to start a new return and indicate that you want to prepare your spouse or common-law partner’s return together with yours. Follow the instructions provided to begin this process:


Note: Once you fill out your personal information, you won’t be able to go back and change your selections at Who are you preparing this return for? and Do you want to prepare your returns together?


Preparing a spousal/coupled return

  1. Sign in to your TurboTax account
  2. Select Start a new return
  3. Select the TurboTax Online product you wish to use, and indicate how you did your taxes last year
  4. On the Welcome step, select My spouse/partner and me under the question Who are you preparing this return for?
  5. Follow the prompts to enter your personal information. On the What's your marital status? step, select Married or Living Common-law
  6. At Do you want to prepare your returns together?, select Yes
  7. Select Continue and proceed with completing your returns

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