If the email address you used to register for this forum is the same as the email associated with your TurboTax account, we can resend the information to that address.
If the email address is the same, please reply to this question with “Yes it is the same”.
If the email address is not the same, please contact our support team. Us this link to get started: https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact/#/home Just fill in the blanks and the phone number to the appropriate agent (along with an interaction ID) will appear after you click the big blue Call button on the 2nd screen.
If the email address you used to register for this forum is the same as the email associated with your TurboTax account, we can resend the information to that address.
If the email address is the same, please reply to this question with “Yes it is the same”.
If the email address is not the same, please contact our support team. Us this link to get started: https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact/#/home Just fill in the blanks and the phone number to the appropriate agent (along with an interaction ID) will appear after you click the big blue Call button on the 2nd screen.
@paslode- can you please send us a TurboTax Twitter Direct Message:https://twitter.com/TurboTaxCanada or a
TurboTax FaceBook/Messenger Private Message: TurboTax Canada Facebook/Messenger
I need an application code, did not come with my receipt.
Yes it is the same . Please send the code to this address.
@wrightlee A response has been sent to you privately.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
@jerjeng2021, what are you needing assistance with?