I just filed my 2017 Tax Return and at the time I checked the box saying I had student expense carried over from previous years because I am still paying my student loan, including interest. I also added the amount of unused tuition from my previous notice of assessment. After filing I am not sure if I did this right because it looks like my unused tuition amount was claimed as tuition paid, but I'm not sure. I am not a student and didn't pay any tuition but I still entered unused tuition amount and claimed my student loan interest. Is there a way I can confirm I did this correctly? I don't want to have accidentally filed a false return.
No need to worry. Indicating you're a student only allows TurboTax to populate the proper screens for you.
On the detailed tax summary, your previously unused tuition amounts are listed as just "tuition" (no additional info clarifying these were unused amounts). If you would like some reassurance that you properly listed the amounts as unused, have a look at the PDF copy of your return - specifically the Schedule 11. Line 1 lists the amount of unused tuition/education/textbook amounts you've carried forward. You can view/print a PDF copy of your return by selecting the "Print my Return" option (File tab)
No need to worry. Indicating you're a student only allows TurboTax to populate the proper screens for you.
On the detailed tax summary, your previously unused tuition amounts are listed as just "tuition" (no additional info clarifying these were unused amounts). If you would like some reassurance that you properly listed the amounts as unused, have a look at the PDF copy of your return - specifically the Schedule 11. Line 1 lists the amount of unused tuition/education/textbook amounts you've carried forward. You can view/print a PDF copy of your return by selecting the "Print my Return" option (File tab)
Okay, that makes sense. I reviewed by detailed return and the only amount listed is as unused tuition. I read though that I can only carry over up to $5000. I am claiming $20,373 which was what my 2016 Notice of Assessment stated, is that allowed?. So to be clear - even though I am not a student claiming that above amount won't be an issue? Thanks for the help!