Refile is the quick way to make an adjustment which is essentially only changing one or two entries which have been missed or need to be added in. It is not meant to redo all of the return.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
So I will get the whole amount and not just the adjusted amount?
The reassessment will need to be done by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the amount to be updated. It is recommended that you wait for your initial Notice of Assessment before doing a Refile. This way there is no confusion as to what was already received or not.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
@sammyfaith Did you end up receiving the whole amount? I just came across your question when I tried googling the same question. I also refilled and the refill refund is extremely lower than my original file.
Yes! The CRA said that I am still getting my original return and the refile amount. 🙂 🙂 I wondered if this would happen to others! I wish the amount on the overview page would change then lol
@sammyfaith lol PHEW! It didn’t look right but you never know with CRA. Thanks for asking in the first place and now letting me know😊
Thank you for helping each other. We appreciate the feedback. If there are any other questions regarding your refund please call the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at 1-800-959-8281.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
@sammyfaith Hey again! Sorry to bug you! Did you receive your refund yet? If so Was it the whole amount? I’m stressing about it a bit if you couldn’t tell. lol
Hey, hope you are well! I know this is a while ago but did you end up getting 2 refunds - one for the original and one for the reassessment?
Hey hope you are well! Im wondering if you ended up receiving. My initial refund was showing an amount and when i refiled same day it showed me a higher refund. However, when im looking at my express NA It’s showing a much lesser amount than whats on turbotax refund.
If you refiled your income tax return, you will need to contact the CRA to see if it was received, and once they do the assessment, they will send you a NORA. If you have a CRA My account, you can log into it and verify if it was successfully received.
Contact the CRA: 1 (800) 959-8281
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.