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New Member
posted Mar 23, 2023 9:45:03 AM

Is there a way to go back to remove a dependant?

is there a way to go back to a previous question to change dependant status?

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1 Replies
Level 3
Mar 23, 2023 12:06:35 PM

To remove dependants from TurboTax Online

  1. Click “Find” in the upper right corner and search for “dep”, then select “Dependants” from the list and click on the “Go” button. 
  2. This will bring you to  "Do you have any dependants?" Click on YES then Continue
  3. Then click on the minus (-) sign next to the dependant you no longer need. Make sure to click on Done adding dependants to save your changes.
  4. Now go back to #1 above if you no longer have any dependants in the list and make sure to click on NO for #2 then Continue to save all changes.

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