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Returning Member
posted May 20, 2023 8:49:53 AM

My audit defense expert has kept me waiting for three months. Can I replace them with a new expert?

Hello here,


I had an absolutely horrific experience with my audit defense. Despite diligently uploading my files, the assigned expert failed to work on them and ignored my messages. I had to continuously initiate calls just to push her to take action. After enduring two months of this ordeal, I discovered that she had mixed up my US and Canadian receipts, and there are complications requiring me to collect more receipts. It was her responsibility to inform me about this from the beginning. Nevertheless, I promptly gathered all the receipts and uploaded them within one week. However, she vanished once again without any trace. After waiting patiently for another month, I finally reached out to her, only to be unjustly blamed for uploading new materials. The level of trust I had in her has completely eroded, and I am desperate to switch to another expert. Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to do so on the Turbotax website. This situation is both incredibly urgent and profoundly frustrating.


Can anyone help me here?

Cheryl Qi

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