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New Member
posted May 3, 2021 4:08:40 PM

My wife has a new SIN number. I need to use the new number for her taxes and I can't find the way to change it in her profile in turbotax

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3 Replies
Level 6
May 4, 2021 9:19:24 AM

Thank you for your question. If you haven't NETFILED or e-filed the tax return yet, you can simply click on the heading Getting Started and click on Personal information and you will be able to correct the entry for the Social Insurance Number. If you have already NETFILED or e-filed your income tax return, you would like to contact CRA and they can update your SIN. Here is the contact number for CRA.

New Member
Apr 26, 2022 5:42:54 AM

I can not find any where to change the SIN, not in Personal information. Please update your answer

Intuit Alumni
May 2, 2022 9:10:31 AM

Please see the image below for steps to follow to find the social insurance number area to be edited.


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