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posted Apr 30, 2024 10:34:19 PM

Review post filing

Hi, I was wondering if I can have my taxes reviewed after I have already filed if I beleive there may have been errors. There were a couple of alerts indicating that I should update certain boxes  corresponding with my T2202. However, when I did, I recieved a new alert indicating that I needed to now update one or 2 addtional boxes specifying the duration of time (fulltime or Partime, and how many months) .  The issue was, I could not find the mention fields on the form. As such I started over and completed the filing, without editing the field, in order to meet the deadline and avoid inadvertently complicating things further by updating the wrong field. 

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1 Replies
May 1, 2024 6:04:27 AM

No, our tax experts are not able to review a return once it has been filed.