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Returning Member
posted Apr 27, 2023 10:07:45 PM

Turbotax does not claim Canada Caregiver credit for infirm dependant under 18 when both parents MAKES SUPPORT PAYMENTS to each other. Hope someone at Turbotax contacts me

There is an error in the software. Nobody listens to me. Turbotax does not claim Canada Caregiver credit for infirm dependant under 18 when both parents MAKES SUPPORT PAYMENTS to each other and THEY BOTH AGREED about who will claim the Eligible dependant credit. Under these 2 circumstances, CRA allows to claim one of the parents 30400 Eligible dependant and 30500 Canada Caregiver for infirm dependant under 18

The software is wrong for the CCC with shared custody and parents payment child support to each other

0 1 8695
1 Replies
Level 2
May 1, 2023 12:46:49 PM

Hello, child support payments are not taxable support payments and therefore do not need to be included in the return. Whether or not the support payments are included in the return, our software does in fact calculate the Canada Caregiver credit for infirm dependants under 18. You can choose to claim both the eligible dependant AND caregiver credit, or remove the claim for the eligible dependant and only claim the caregiver amount.

To ensure you can make the claim for the caregiver credit, please enter additional dependant info. I have provided screenshots for reference.