When creating your return and completing the profile section click on yes for the question "Your name, did you have other income that you have not yet told us about? Such as scholastic, foreign, disability, alimony, child support, death benefits, and Canada workers benefit payments.". This would open up a list of questions; make sure you check off "I received alimony or child support”. Under the income section, you will continue until you see a page labeled "Spousal and Child Support Payments Received". It is there where you would enter your information.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
When creating your return and completing the profile section click on yes for the question "Your name, did you have other income that you have not yet told us about? Such as scholastic, foreign, disability, alimony, child support, death benefits, and Canada workers benefit payments.". This would open up a list of questions; make sure you check off "I received alimony or child support”. Under the income section, you will continue until you see a page labeled "Spousal and Child Support Payments Received". It is there where you would enter your information.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.