Please contact the CRA so that they can advise you if you need to pay any amounts. This is not something that TurboTax has access to- Call 1-800-959-8281 for information to help you.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
How do I report RC210 slip on easy’s an advance Canada workers benefit..
When you are in TurboTax you will go to the "Info" section- personal tax profile and if you have completed that section you will need to click on edit beside Income & work related expenses- then go to the question did you have other income not yet mentioned, such as: scholastic, foreign, disability, spousal or child support, death benefits, or Canada workers benefit payments?
Then continue into the Income section and you will keep going until you see RC210 - Canada Workers Benefit Advance- Payments and enter your advanced payments. Then click on Done with RC210.