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posted Mar 3, 2023 12:06:19 PM

Are political party membership fees deductible?

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1 Replies
Level 4
Mar 5, 2023 5:25:19 PM

Political party membership fees are not tax deductible. According to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), contributions made to political parties, candidates, or leadership contestants are not considered eligible donations for tax purposes. This means that you cannot claim a tax credit or deduction on your personal income tax return for any political party membership fees you have paid.

However, it's important to note that there may be other types of political contributions that are tax deductible. For example, donations to registered charities that engage in political activities may be tax deductible, as long as the donation meets certain criteria. Additionally, certain types of political contributions made by businesses or corporations may be tax deductible as business expenses, subject to certain limitations and restrictions.

For more information, please see our TurboTax FAQ.  

Claiming a Credit for Federal Political Contributions

For more information please see 

Canada Revenue Agency Resources

For more information please see Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Website. 

Federal political contribution tax credit


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