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Level 2
posted Oct 31, 2019 3:27:51 AM

How come Form T1206 automatically opens and is printed as part of the tax return even though I do not have tax on split income (TOSI)?

I do not have any "split income".  When reviewing the return before netfiling, TurboTax "Review: Errors" says I have to indicate whether I have TOSI.  Even if I answer "NO" to this question, Form T1206 is automatically opened and is printed as part of my return.  I cannot seem to close it.  Going to Edit\Forms\Close Unused Forms does not work.  It appears that as long as I answer "NO" to the question as part of the "Review: Errors" check before filing, Form T1206 will always open and print, even if it is unused.  Is there a way to correct this?  Will I be able to netfile my return even if I do not answer the question (i.e. leave it blank) as part of "Review: Errors"?

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Level 11
Oct 31, 2019 3:27:52 AM