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posted Mar 22, 2023 11:18:24 PM

How do I include medical expenses ending in 2021 on my tax return for 2022? I forgot to submit the medical expenses last year.

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Level 5
Mar 23, 2023 10:00:32 AM

Yes, you can claim any eligible medical expenses if they occurred in a 12-month period that ends in the current tax year. After you enter your medical expenses, TurboTax will prompt you to choose your 12-month claim period.

For example, the oldest medical expense that you can claim on your 2022 return is an expense from January 2, 2022, using a claim period of January 2, 2022, to January 1, 2023.

If you have a large amount of expenses in the latter part of the tax year, it might be better to save them and claim them with medical expenses you have in the early part of the following tax year. For example, if most of your medical expenses occurred after May 15, 2022, you can save them for your 2022 tax return. At that time, you can use a 12-month period of May 15, 2022 to May 14, 2023, and claim all expenses that fall within that period.

You can use a different 12-month period each year--the period doesn’t have to start where your previous 12-month period ended. However, you can't claim the same expenses more than once.


for more detail, you can refer to these TurboTax links: https://turbotax.intuit.ca/tips/what-qualifies-as-medical-expenses-when-filing-taxes-5261

How do I enter my medical expenses?


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