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New Member
posted Apr 6, 2022 9:54:45 AM

How do I remove my claim for a charitable donation so I can use the free version rather than paying $20 for the deluxe version?

I will not receive a refund this year as I did not have any income, so there is no point in me paying for the version of the program that allows me to claim that amount. I made the mistake of inputting my charitable donations while using the free version, and now the program won't allow me to remove them

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2 Replies
Level 4
Apr 9, 2022 8:42:34 AM

To remove your charitable donations in TurboTax Online:

  1. Select Find (or the magnifying glass icon) from the top right of the page.
  2. Enter “don” in the Find window.
  3. Select “Donations Profile” from the list of results and click the Go button.
  4. On the “Donations Profile for 2021” page, make sure that any boxes that you checked off when you entered the donations are still checked off. 
  5. Go through the pages and click “Delete” next to the donations you no longer want to claim.

Please note that any donations that are on a T-slip can’t be removed from your return.


Also please note that if your return has already been upgraded to Deluxe (or higher), removing the donations will not downgrade your return back to the Free version. You would need to create a new return if you want to use the Free version of TurboTax.


To start a new return, select “Start a New Return” from under “My Returns” in the top left corner. Once you have started your new return, you can select “View All Returns” from under “My Accounts & Returns”. Then delete the unwanted return by clicking the small Trash Can next to it or “Delete” under the return’s name.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.



Returning Member
Apr 16, 2022 4:42:18 PM

Did you ever find a solution to this? I tried the method noted but it did not work for me. Thanks!