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posted Apr 25, 2023 4:13:46 PM

How ti enter medical travel expenses?

HOw to enter medical travel expenses?

0 1 575
1 Replies
Level 2
May 1, 2023 8:51:18 AM

Hi there!


If you are using TurboTax Online, the instructions are as follows:

  1. Select Find from the TurboTax menu
  2. Enter medical expenses in the Find window
  3. Select Medical Expenses Profile from the list of results
  4. Select Go. The Your Medical Profile step appears
  5. Select all checkboxes that apply, then select Continue
  6. The Medical Expenses step appears. TurboTax will display the minimum amount of eligible medical expenses required to generate a tax benefit
  7. If the eligible medical expenses are less than the minimum amount displayed by TurboTax, select Done, as there aren't enough expenses to generate a tax credit. Otherwise, select Enter New Medical Expense, and the Medical Expenses Receipt step appears

To learn more, you can visit: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/turbotax-support/en-ca/help-article/medical-tax-credits-deductions/enter-medical-expenses/L3eIlNS9Y_CA_en_CA


All the best,
