You are only able to claim the "interest" you paid on your Investment Loan.
You can use the Find (little magnifying glass) and type in "investment". Then highlight "Investment Expenses" and click Go. Put a checkmark beside which deduction best applies to you, Interest paid to earn interest, dividend and royalty incomeor Investment management and advice (includes carrying charges), and continue to the page that applies.
You can also access this section by going to the sidebar of TurboTax, and click on Income > Investment Expenses.
You'll need to enter the information from every T-Slip you receive, even if you have only moved or transferred an investment and not actually seen the income reported on them. Failure to report them will result in a reassessment from CRA and possible penalties and interest for "unreported income".
If you are issued any of these slips, you need to report them.
Thank-you, this was helpful. I realized that these investments were funded through an investment loan I had taken out. Between the amount of the investments and the amount of the loan I had to pay back ($75,000), I only netted $6,000. Am I able to show claim the $75,000 loan that I had to pay back as an expense to reduce the income to the amount I actually earned? And if so, where would I do that in turbotax?