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New Member
posted Apr 11, 2023 9:39:22 PM

I would like to claim the disability tax credit for my husband as he had and accident and can't work bec of physical impairment , where can I put?

I was trying to add my husband under dependent and it says husband cannot be dependent and where is the disability tax located?

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1 Replies
Level 3
Apr 15, 2023 11:29:29 AM

As per the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), if your husband has a severe and prolonged impairment, he may apply for the credit. If he is approved, he may claim or transfer the credit at tax time. He must be approved first.
To learn more about the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), please see this CRA webpage: Disability Tax Credit (DTC)
For more information, please see our TurboTax FAQ: What is the disability tax credit and how does it work?
Make sure to include yourself on the application, as the one the unused DTC can be transferred to. If he is eligible and is allowed the DTC, you will be allowed to have an adjustment made to your returns.
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