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Level 2
posted Oct 31, 2019 4:00:06 AM

If husband & wife each sell their half interest in principal residence to a third party, do they have to answer the questions in column 3 of the PR Designation Worksheet?

The third column of the PRWS is titled "Questions related to a disposition to your spouse/partner".  Since the sale is to a third party, should both husband & wife leave the questions in column 3 blank, including question 1 which asks: "did your spouse/partner also dispose of this property (if applicable)?".

For the "Lot Number" in column 1 "Address", is this just if the property is on a specific lot number, or are the legal description and parcel ID (e.g. PID, district etc) required?  (Or is a full address - house number, street name, city, postal code and province --- sufficient?)

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4 Replies
New Member
Oct 31, 2019 4:00:07 AM

Should the 3rd question in column 3 be left blank too, as it is supposed to apply only if the second question which asks if all or part of the disposition is going to the spouse/partner is answered "NO"?

New Member
Oct 31, 2019 4:00:09 AM

Also, why are answers required in column 3 if the questions (per the heading) are supposed to be related to a disposition "to your spouse/partner"?  If the property was sold to a third party, shouldn't all the questions in column 3 be left blank?  If left blank, will this affect NetFile?

New Member
Oct 31, 2019 4:00:10 AM

You are right in that the 3rd column isn't really necessary if the property was not disposed to spouse.

However, if you are preparing your return together with your spouse, your entries on the Principal Worksheet will only copy over if you indicate "Yes" to "Did your spouse/partner also dispose of this property?"

Just a final note, once you filled out the worksheet, you will need to go into the T2091 to complete that form. The Review will also prompt you to fill out any missing information.

New Member
Oct 31, 2019 4:00:11 AM

See attached picture regarding how to answer the 3rd column. Essentially, Yes, No, No and blank.

You are correct regarding the Lot Number, it is to accommodate rural community addresses. The full address is sufficient.