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Level 2
posted Feb 27, 2023 6:05:18 AM

Premier 2022 Edition - Schedule 3 is not populating T5008 slips

I think this is a bug.... I have a T5008 slip that is a disposition of a Stock in a non-registered account.  The sell of this item shows correctly on the T5008 as a loss.  The t5008 is imported into the "T-Slips" in turbo tax but not in schedule 3.  I have no idea why, this has worked in previous years.

0 3 1460
3 Replies
Level 2
Feb 28, 2023 1:12:46 PM

Did I post this to the wrong area?  Can anyone confirm this issue?

Mar 7, 2023 5:50:57 AM

Can you please confirm if you are using TurboTax Online or TurboTax CD/download so that we can try to replicate the issue?


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 7, 2023 5:59:41 AM

I thought by posting and selecting under product "TurboTax CD or Download Premier" category that would be evident.  I am using the downloaded version of TurboTax Premier.