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posted Dec 14, 2023 3:33:02 PM

Turbo Tax showed a warning message that the medical expense amount was more that what I could claim. Where do I claim the rest? OR do I have to use a hard T1 form?

My medical expenses for 2023 will be over $10,000. Where do I claim the expenses?  

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1 Replies
Dec 15, 2023 6:27:24 AM

Not 100% of medical expenses are a tax credit. 


Medical expenses tax credit calculation is as follows:  only expenses in excess of the lesser amount of $2,635 for 2023 or 3% of line 23600 of your net income. The lowest tax rate is applied to the medical expenses to determine the amount of the tax credit. Medical expenses can cover any 12 month period as long as the end date is in 2023. For example, if you spent more during June, July and September, and you spent less in October and November, you might want to claim medical expenses from January 2023 to September 2023. Next year you can claim October 2023 to September 2024.


For more information read Canada Revenue Agency guidelines: Lines 33099 and 33199 – Eligible medical expenses you can claim on your tax return


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