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Returning Member
posted Mar 25, 2023 1:16:12 PM

When filing together, can my spouse and I be charged different turbotax plans are must we use the same plan? One of us does not require a more expense product.

One of us requires a basic (free) version for filing based and another requires Premier.  

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1 Replies
Level 5
Mar 26, 2023 5:58:03 PM

If you are using TurboTax Online, you will both need to use the Premier version if you prepare your returns together. If you prepare your returns separately, then you can use different versions of the software.


If you want to use TurboTax CD/Download (for Windows 10/11), then you will still have to prepare your returns in the same version of the software. But you can use any version, as they all have the same forms. 


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