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Level 2
posted Apr 13, 2024 6:10:32 AM

Why is it not possible to do a charitable donation carry forward on my Quebec return after doing so on my Canadian return?

Once the total donations are entered in TurboTax, I have the option to carry forward part of the donations in my Canadian on line return, but the Quebec return just carries forward the total donations.

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1 Replies
Returning Member
Apr 30, 2024 9:27:08 AM

Hi there, thank you for raising this! The team is working on addressing this issue. There is a work around if you want to carry forward your Quebec donations:

1. Continue with filing your federal (Canadian) return but NOT your Québec return with your donations

2. Once the federal return has been filed, go back to your Donations and remove the amount you've entered and file your Québec return.

3. You can claim the amount you removed next year.


Hope this helps! Good luck!