Why is the Child Care Expense amount credited to my spouse who has a higher income?
My wife's income is approximately $2000 higher than mine, once the Universal Child Care Benefit gets added to my employement income. I answer "No" to the question "Does the taxpayer with the higher net income qualify to make the child care claim on their tax return?" but the credit shows up on her return and not mine. Am I interpreting something incorrectly? Shouldn't the credit show up on my return as I am the lower income earner?
1 Best answer
New Member
Oct 29, 2019 11:24:29 PM
Thank you for your question.
The UCCB was add before the child care.
It's the reason why she have the deduction for it because the UCCB make your income higher of her.
Have a good day.
1 Replies
New Member
Oct 29, 2019 11:24:29 PM
Thank you for your question.
The UCCB was add before the child care.
It's the reason why she have the deduction for it because the UCCB make your income higher of her.