How do I file a zero-income tax return?
Even with no income to report, you can still benefit from filing a zero-income tax return. You may qualify for federal or provincial credits that are available only if you file a return.
First, complete your personal tax profile in the TurboTax interview.
- After the Let’s go screen, at the Which of these applied to you in 2024? screen, select a box that applies to you. If there’s no box that applies, select any one.
- After completing the Personal info profile, at the Tax home screen, select Tax profile > Your tax profile and complete the screens.
- At the Tax home screen, select Provincial > Provincial Tax Credit profile and complete the provincial profile screens. (At the Your Estimate for the Canada Carbon Rebate screen, you’ll see your estimated rebate amounts.)
- At the Tax home screen, select Review > Start.
- Continue until you reach the Some items need review screen.
- Select Errors, and under You must confirm that you have no income select Fix.
- At the zero income drop-down box, select Yes and continue.
- At the Some items need review screen, select Done reviewing.
- Proceed with the Verification of personal information and continue.
- At the Let’s review your numbers screen, you’ll see estimated benefit amounts that will be paid to you outside of the income tax system, such as the Gst/HST credit and the Canada Carbon Rebate.
- At the tax home screen, select Finish and file > Start and proceed to file your return.
- From the menu, find the INCOME & EXPENSES heading and select T-slips.
- On the Entering your federal T-slips screen, check the box for any slips you received.
- Select Continue.
- To skip the remaining steps in this section, select Income summary from the menu.
- Review the amounts listed, then complete the remaining sections of your return.
- From the menu, select Bottom line (tax summaries).
- At the Bottom line screen, you’ll see your estimated GST/HST credit, estimated Canada Carbon Rebate, and any other apllicable benefits.