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Level 1
posted Jun 2, 2024 2:20:37 PM

a piece of feedback on business expenses for 2023



Just wanted to highlight that the way business expenses are now presented for 2023 is just not ideal and there's no reason that comes to mind as to why the way it was set up for 2022 or even 2021 couldn't be replicated again.


1- Having to click and add expenses manually as if it was a menu feels so unnecessary. Being able to simply enter amounts felt more intuitive and easy (back when all expenses categories were listed one by one, whether a user needed a category or not).

2- The fact that so many expenses now fall into the miscellaneous category is ridiculous and could genuinely make the CRA tick. "Some expenses are hard to categorize. Add any other expenses you had here" is a disclaimer that just sounds irresponsible , especially because several expenses had a clear label just a year ago! I.E: "Business taxes, licenses, and memberships", Professional Development" (for classes, courses, education)... Those are labels that many of us use in our own accounting systems pre-filing, so I don't understand why they are now non-existent and have become miscellaneous on Turbotax.


Would love for that to be fixed for 2024 or I will have to find another tax filing alternative...

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1 Replies
Jun 3, 2024 10:26:38 AM

Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated. We will send your feedback to the appropriate team.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.