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Level 2
posted Mar 4, 2024 10:06:43 AM

British Columbia renter's tax credit says value is zero

Hi there, I'm trying to claim the new BC renter's tax credit. Under "British Columbia Tax Credits" I check the checkbox "NEW! BC renter's tax credit". Then I hit continue and fill out my renting info like address, rent paid etc., hit continue but then in the "British Columbia tax and credits summary" it says "British Columbia renter's tax credit: 0.00". Why is that and how do I fix it? 

And second question while I'm here, there seems to be conflicting information on whether rent paid refers to monthly or yearly rent. Which one is it? Thank you!

1 21 6447
21 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Mar 4, 2024 10:42:12 AM

I have just entered the credit on a return and it does show up on line 47900 as seen in the image below on the Detailed Tax Summary. You enter the total rent you paid in the year or months you lived there, i.e.: 12 x $1000. = $12,000 to be entered   for 12 months.


Starting in the 2023 tax year, a renter's tax credit based on annual income has been introduced. For 2023 this tax credit will give $400 to low- and moderate-income renter individuals and families with an adjusted income of $60,000 or less. Individuals and families with an adjusted income greater than $60,000 and less than $80,000 may receive a reduced amount.



Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 4, 2024 10:49:59 AM

Hi there, thanks so much for the fast reply! Unfortunately on line 47900 it just says 0 for me. I'm not sure why?

Intuit Alumni
Mar 4, 2024 10:56:59 AM

Is your income higher than mentioned above? In order to help you with this situation, we believe your best option is to contact our telephone support team for further assistance, as they have the option to view your screen to help resolve the issue. To contact them, please follow this link: Contact Us. 

​​​​​​​Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 4, 2024 11:18:06 AM

I definitely meet the salary requirements but my partner whom I live with doesn't. So maybe that's it? But yeah I'll give y'all a call at that page you linked. Thank you!!

Intuit Alumni
Mar 4, 2024 11:23:44 AM

Yes, the credit is per family therefore if both you and your partner together surpass the limit, you will not be eligible for the credit as seen here: "to low- and moderate-income renter individuals and families with an adjusted income of $60,000 or less"


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 4, 2024 11:37:12 AM

I just wanted to update this thread in case anyone runs into the same issue and finds this thread:

  • I wasn't able to resolve this.
  • The telephone line is super unhelpful and wouldn't let me speak to an actual person. Since the renter's tax credit is so new I'm assuming the bot just doesn't know anything about it and just has more general info but not the specific info I was looking for.
  • I'm assuming our combined family income was too high for me to claim the renter's tax credit but I don't know. Would be nice for the web developers/UI/UX designers of turbotax to give the user some feedback as they're filling out their tax return such as "You couldn't claim the renter's tax credit due to x reason."

Intuit Alumni
Mar 4, 2024 11:52:13 AM

Not sure if you are referring to me as a bot but I can assure you that I am a person 🙂  and yes in your case it seems to have been an ineligibility due to the total income between you and your partner. Once I realized there was two incomes to include for the credit the answer became clearer as the information supplied was that your income was below the eligible amount without the mention of a second income. Thank you for your update and feedback, we value your opinion and will share this information with the proper TurboTax team.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 4, 2024 1:30:42 PM

Hi there, I'm so sorry! In no way did I mean to imply that you're not a person! I meant when I was calling the phone number from the contact page and on the phone that was just a bot. I'm super grateful for your help on here and know that tax season is so busy and the fact that you responded so quickly I appreciate so much! I should have mentioned that in my post! Thank you!!❤️

New Member
Mar 4, 2024 7:43:56 PM



I can not find the B.C. renter's tax credit form in Turbotax. Could you please guide me?


Thank you in advance

Mar 5, 2024 9:57:05 AM

@aronda Are you using TurboTax CD/Download or TurboTax Online?

New Member
Mar 8, 2024 7:03:35 PM

Hi there,  Anyone encountered an error code #960576 relating to line 60575 and 60576.  I am not sure how to correct these errors?  Any help is greatly appreciated! 

Mar 9, 2024 10:11:26 AM

@Ellen123 If you are preparing your return with your spouse/common-law partner and have one spouse with zero income, please file that return first.

Returning Member
Mar 9, 2024 4:52:46 PM


I have the same problem with the error code #960576.  I filed spouse return zero income successfully, however when I did mine it shows the following notes:

Code #960576 there are entries on lines 60575 and/or 60576 on the Form BC479 for the BC Renters tax credit and one of the following situation applies to your return please verify and make necessary corrections:

1. Please provide the following information about your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable

a. their net income, if net income is zero or negative, indicate this on your return as instructed by your software - (My note: It defaults to 0.00 when I ticked X Yes spouse net income zero)

b. the universal child care benefit (UCCB) included in their income - (I am not sure why UCCB mentioned as it was no longer applicable since 2016?)

c. the amount of uccb repayment line 21300 used in calculating their net income - (my same comments above?)

d. their registered disability savings plan (rdsp) income on line 12500 - ( I have no idea what this is?)

e. the amount of their rdsp repayment on line 23200- (my same comments above?)

2. you have an entry on line 60576, you must also provide an entry on line 60575 

3. line 60575 cannot be less than "6" - (my return shows "12" which is 12 months)

4. line 60576 cannot exceed the maximum allowable of $400 - (my return defaults to "400" by the system)

My apology for the long notes from the Turbo system.  Hope you can shed some lights here.

Many thanks,

Mar 9, 2024 5:15:21 PM


You can try saying that the low income spouse does have income and put in $1 for their net income.


If that doesn't work, you can just file without the credit, and then after you get your notice of assessment, you can ReFile your return to add it.



Returning Member
Mar 10, 2024 1:01:06 PM

Thank you for your reply.


I already net-filed my spouse return with zero income so I can't refile with $1 income.  If I were to revise my spouse return for $1 where would I enter the $1 without forcing the entry?


For my return, can I remove all info relating to BC479, save it and then re-enter in case CRA made some adjustments for BC Renters' credit to the netfile system.  I read somewhere online that they will fix it on March 9?

Thank you.

Mar 11, 2024 10:37:50 AM

@Emma123 I don't think it will let you do a Refile for a $1 difference as it won't really change much. 


It's March 10th, so you can try to file your return. 

Returning Member
Mar 11, 2024 12:24:34 PM

Thank you for your reply.

I will give it another try.  Hope it works this time as I don't want to be locked out.  This would be my 4th time.


Intuit Alumni
Mar 11, 2024 12:27:19 PM

Thank you for letting us know and updating us.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Returning Member
Mar 13, 2024 4:32:39 PM

It works! Just net-filed today March 13, 2024 and it went through:)

Thank you!

Level 1
Mar 20, 2024 10:26:50 PM

I'm having the exact same issue on my daughter's tax return.  I've chosen to claim the BC Renters Tax credit, filled in the rental information, and it says the amount claimed is zero.  There was $8,000 in rent for 4 months.  Her income is WELL below the maximum.  Is it possible that she is already getting all of her income tax back and there is no more available?  The software is not at all helpful or clear on this. 

Intuit Alumni
Mar 21, 2024 5:53:56 AM

@GregDyck @SarahKamil As we cannot see all the specifics and entries included in your returns, we believe your best option is to contact our telephone support team for further assistance, as they have the option to view your screen to help resolve the issue. To contact them, please follow this link:  Contact Us.

When the machine asks if you wish to receive an email, say NO and say "speak to a representative" and hold the line.

​​​​​​​Thank you for choosing TurboTax.