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New Member
posted Apr 29, 2024 6:49:29 PM

Error code 435

Code: #435 - To accurately calculate the amount of New Brunswick low-income tax reduction to which you are entitled, please provide the following information about your spouse or common-law partner. If you became married or began living common-law within the year and are entitled to this tax reduction, please indicate this in your software.


This is for a widow with no spouse or common law partner.

What should i do here?

0 1 3803
1 Replies
Level 2
Apr 30, 2024 8:14:36 AM

Did the taxpayer become a widow in the year? If so, has the deceased spouse's net income for the year been included in the return? If they do not have income to report, this should also be indicated in the return as mentioned in the error message. You can enter this info on the "more information about <spouse's name>" (see screenshot)

To accurately calculate the amount of New Brunswick low-income tax reduction to which you are
entitled, please provide the following information about your spouse or common-law partner. If you
became married or began living common-law within the year and are entitled to this tax reduction,
please indicate this in your software.
1. Their net income. If their net income is zero or negative, indicate this on your return as
instructed by your software.
2. The universal child care benefit (UCCB) included in their income.
3. The amount of UCCB repayment used in calculating their net income.
4. Their registered disability savings plan (RDSP) income reported on line 12500 on their return.
5. Their RDSP repayment reported on line 55360 on their return.