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posted May 2, 2024 9:25:31 AM

error when filing




Once my returns were complete and passed the final Netfile Quebec check, I was not able to fill and received the following message.  :

The 'U255' element is invalid - The value '-474.34' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://www.revenuquebec.ca/T3:montantP10' - The Pattern constraint failed. The 'U486' element is invalid - The value '-8405.76' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://www.revenuquebec.ca/T3:montantP10' - The Pattern constraint failed. The 'U490' element is invalid - The value '-474.34' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://www.revenuquebec.ca/T3:montantP10' - The Pattern constraint failed.

Given little options other than, print and send in paper format.

0 1 5793
1 Replies
May 2, 2024 10:04:34 AM

Usually when you received this error, it is due to the format of your entry. It could be the phone number format, please remove any special characters (hyphen, parenthesis etc...) or your address, postal code, SIN number or date of birth. Please review your return to make sure all format errors/typos are corrected.


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