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Level 2
posted Apr 18, 2023 4:27:03 PM

How do I fill all my T5008?

Hi There,

I have been trying to auto fill all my T5008s (184 forms to be exact) however, I keep getting an error and the auto fill fails (no problem connecting to the CRA site though). I assume this error is due to a form cap for the T5008s. I have started to input all the forms manually, however Turbotax has limited my entries to only 100 T5008s and it does not allow me to enter more.

Is there a way to enter all the forms and data?
Is there a way to perhaps add only one as the sum of all the box 20 values and the sum of all box 21 values? if this is possible, how do I handle the dates (box 14) and the box 16, box 17 values?

Any help will be very greatly appreciated.


0 3 1552
3 Replies
Apr 21, 2023 11:40:38 AM

Yes, TurboTax limits the amounts of T5008 slips that you can auto-fill. And yes, you can just enter totals, with just the one date.

Level 2
Apr 21, 2023 11:42:53 AM

Thanks for the reply !

Are there plans to fix or improve this for next year? Perhaps increase the limits of autofilling data?

Intuit Alumni
Apr 26, 2023 9:31:43 AM

I can assure you that this has been sent to be looked at. As per when and if there will be changes, only time will tell....


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