I received one of my refunds and went to check the return and it is not there when I go to open an existing return. When I do searching I also no longer see the TT17 file that I used to load this years's. Currently after scanning my whole computer I can only see files for 2012-2016. Is there a place that TT saves them when I said to save, other than on my computer?
Unfortunately, if you are only using the Download/CD version of TurboTax it will only be saved on your own computer. Is it possible that you migrated to our Online product for the last couple of years? If so, you should see your returns when you log into your account on TurboTax.ca.
Unfortunately I have been using the Premier Download so no luck with the online (however, it was a good suggestion and so I did logon just to see if there was anything). The strange thing is that 17 was there in order to start 18 and before Net filing I said Save and asked to Save the PDF. I just did not check for them after Netfiling. I'll keep looking through Cloud backups but it is very strange. Thanks for the confirmation to keep me from wondering if by change TT keeps a backup.