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New Member
posted May 2, 2022 5:20:08 AM

Message from the CRA: CRA Result Code: 21 The Canada Revenue Agency was unable to accept your return, as your NETFILE Access code did not match our records.

I have tried and still nothing is working , how do fix it, it is showing an error with one of the bursaries I have received

0 11 6161
11 Replies
May 2, 2022 2:17:36 PM

Make sure you have the correct NETFILE Access Code (NAC). It's an 8-character alphanumeric code found in the upper-right hand corner of your Notice of Assessment (NOA).


 If it is correct, try filing your return without it, as it's optional.

New Member
Feb 20, 2023 3:37:40 AM

its not letting me ignore it. it says this :


Message from the CRA:

CRA Result Code: 21
The Canada Revenue Agency was unable to accept your return, as your NETFILE Access code did not match our records.


Please compare what you have entered with the access code shown on your notice of assessment.


You have 2 options:
 Recommended - Try NETFILE again in a few minutes.
Please note: You only have 5 attempts to NETFILE your return before the CRA will lock you out.
If the problem persists, please contact TurboTax Customer Support for assistance.
• Print and mail your return to the CRA.
i have used 2 attempts

New Member
Feb 20, 2023 6:15:27 AM

I am getting that also, I tried re-entering the code, and it didn't work. I may just mail it in. And it's impossible to speak to someone from Turbotax.

New Member
Feb 20, 2023 6:20:07 AM

i went to the cra site to check my notice of assesmens over the past few years. i had been using the netfile access code from 2021 and it didnt work. i tried the most recent in 2022 that i had in last years assesment and thar one worked.

New Member
Feb 20, 2023 6:35:59 AM

Thanks, I couldn't find what you mentioned 

New Member
Feb 20, 2023 7:07:24 AM

it should be at the top of your notice of assesment letter from 2022. in the top right corner before the start the letter

Feb 20, 2023 7:31:33 AM

@bluejays972  Yes, you are correct- you must enter your access code exactly how it shows it on the top of your 2022 Notice of Assessment. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 12, 2023 7:34:18 AM

In 2021, usingg Netfile, my wife's return was easily accepted. After many tries and trips to the TurboTax community, I could not find a solution and submitted a paper return for me.

In 2022, I found neither return was accepted, as the CRA did not like the Access Code I used. I had obtained the access codes from CRA My Account, after I filed the 2021 returns. The Assessment report from CRA My Account was dated April 15, 2021.

I went back to our CRA My Accounts and found new Access Codes which were accepted.

Lesson learned: Verify the Access Code from CRA My Account and make sure it came from the previous year's return. Don't assume it remains the same from year to year.



New Member
Apr 18, 2024 5:40:34 PM

What went wrong? I have used the CD versions of TurboTax for many years. This year I bought the online version from Costco. Nothing but frustration! First problems were how to return to software. Bugger all saved on my PC.  No file saved nor any useful hint as to how to reopen the software. I entered all information for me and my wife, printed out results and year over years. Thought I should wait a few more days in case a last minute T-slip arrived. When I accidently re-opened whatever from the cloud, I completed everything to CRA for my return, but my wife's tax would not transmit. Said I must submit everything on paper. Service Canada no longer has any paper forms. I am sending CRA a **bleep**load of stuff including all of my printouts from TurboTax. I don't need this. My wife passed away two weeks ago! 

New Member
Apr 18, 2024 5:46:25 PM

I don't have a "Notice of Assessment" for my wife's return for 2022.  Maybe it was a two page printout and I just lost page two.

We were changing internet service providers, email accounts and banks all in a short confusing period of time while addressing the needs of her cancer diagnoses and treatments. I don't need this. 

Apr 18, 2024 5:56:03 PM

@elderone1two1 I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Unfortunately, the CRA's NETFILE service will not accept returns from an individual who died in 2023 or 2024. 


You can find a copy of your wife's notice of assessment from her CRA MyAccount, or you can call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 and ask them to mail you a copy.