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New Member
posted Apr 30, 2023 7:19:38 PM

Out of Town Contract - Travel Expense?


I am an artist, and one of my contracts (2.5 months long) was in a different town. I had to pay rent there (on top of my regular rent). Does that count as a travel expense? Is there any deduction available for extended travel like working out of town?

Thank you.

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2 Replies
Returning Member
May 1, 2023 8:03:42 AM

Sounds like you are self-employed and if that's the case this would be business expense. Please see this CRA page on the subject: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/sole-proprietorships-partnerships/report-business-income-expenses/completing-form-t2125/expenses-section-form-t2125.html

Level 2
May 1, 2023 8:08:11 AM



yes, you can claim this expense on the T2125 form, statement of business or professional activities. There's a section for rental expenses there.