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New Member
posted Jul 13, 2024 3:36:24 PM

Slip income on T4A vs Income not on a slip

When adding self-employment income to my tax return, the section that says "Self-employment commissions from T4A slips - boxes 20 or 48" is 0.00 and cannot be edited (I have a number in Box 020 on my T4A). When i input the number into the box at the top which says "Total revenue amount" and continue, it classifies it as "Income not on a slip". Should I be able to edit the"0.00" under the "Self-employment commissions from Box 20"? Or so I submit it as "Income not on a slip", even though it is on my T4A? Any insight is helpful.


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1 Replies
Returning Member
Jul 16, 2024 7:44:20 AM

I just wanted to let you know that you forgot to enter your T4A slip. Go to the menu on the left-hand side of your screen - go to the income section- T-SIips- and click on T4A and continue. Then you will enter your T4A as on your slip. 


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