I have this warning when reviewing my file before wanting to Netfile
You have a current-year non-capital loss on your return, but one or more entries is missing on form T691:
a loss reported on line 12600 but no entry on line 67830 (I do not have a loss here)
a loss reported on line 12200 but no entry on line 67840 (I do not have a loss here)
a claim on line 23200 but no entry on line 67820 (I do not have a claim here)
or a claim on line 22100 but no entry on lines 67820 or 67840 (I have a claim here of a small amount)
Check your entries and make the necessary corrections
line 22100 is carrying charging/interest expenses, in here I put a small amount on interest from money used for investments, similar to previous years.
67820 is about Film property (doesn't apply to me)
67840 is about Tax shelters, limited partnerships and non-active partners (doesn't apply to me)
I do not know why I am getting this warning