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New Member
posted Aug 1, 2024 11:58:23 AM

Turbotax mixing up RESP payments with self employment?


I know it's late, but I'm trying to file my taxes for the first time and I'm having an error when I try to submit it ( Your province of self-employment is different from your province of residence. TTO does not support Multijurisdictional returns. Review your entries.)


I'm not self-employed, and I only get this error when I try to include box 42 of a T4A slip in the income section! I think I need to include it, but I have no idea how to fix this, especially since my home residence and where I go to school are both in the same province?? 

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1 Replies
Level 2
Aug 2, 2024 7:40:44 AM

Please ensure to review the information section of your tax return to confirm the province you have entered and verify the details on your T-slips.

TurboTax will not indicate that you are self-employed if you enter an amount in box 42 of T4A. However, if there is an amount in box 48, the CRA will recognize it as self-employment income.


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