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posted Mar 11, 2022 10:51:26 AM

What is the BC sales tax

What happens if I check yes

0 2 1538
2 Replies
Level 4
Mar 11, 2022 1:03:02 PM

The BC Sales Tax Credit is a program is designed to offset the cost of the sales tax for low-income taxpayers and their families residing in British Columbia.

The B.C. sales tax credit is refundable, so even if you do not have taxable income to report, you can get cash back from the government by completing and filing your tax return.

If you check "Yes" this credit will be applied to you. However, you should be aware if you are eligible to claim it. Please see the link below for additional assistance:

Claiming The British Columbia Sales Tax Credit as per TurboTax


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Level 4
Mar 11, 2022 4:05:19 PM

The British Columbia Sales Tax Credit is a program that is designed to offset the cost of the sales tax for low-income taxpayers and their families residing in British Columbia. If you select yes on your tax return, you are requesting the British Columbia Sales Tax Credit.

British Columbia Sales Tax Credit Eligibility

Residents of British Columbia may be eligible for the refundable sales tax credit if they are:

  • 19 years old or over,
  • have a spouse or common-law partner,
  • or are a parent.

Applicants must not have been in prison or a similar institution for more than six months of the tax year, including Dec. 31. As well, deceased taxpayers are excluded.


For more information, please see our TurboTax article. Claiming The British Columbia Sales Tax Credit


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