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Level 3
posted Oct 15, 2020 2:34:22 PM

TurboTax Community Guidelines: Do's and Don'ts

The TurboTax Community is a place for people to engage in discussions and ask questions about taxes various financial topics. Intuit TurboTax employees participate in the Community as well, but it is our primary intent to let users interact with other users. We have a strong community of volunteers, TurboTax partners, and TurboTax employees that strive to help as many people as they can. However, due to the nature of a user-to-user community, TurboTax does not guarantee that questions will get an immediate response. 

By participating in the TurboTax Community you are agreeing to these Rules of Participation, the TurboTax.com Terms of Use, and the TurboTax Online Privacy Statement.


TurboTax employees monitor this forum to identify and remove inappropriate content. The Moderators will enforce the Rules of Participation and the TurboTax Terms of Use at their discretion. TurboTax may modify these Rules of Participation from time to time.


DO Use Common Sense

Visitors to the Community come from all walks of life, from tax experts and software programmers to people who are new to doing their taxes. As a result, some postings could reflect considerable tax and/or technical experience and insight, while others might be unintentionally, or even intentionally, inaccurate. Use your judgment when taking action on or ignoring other user’s posts.


Remember, due to the anonymous nature of the Internet, other Community participants may not be who they say they are, and the links they post may not have been posted with the best intentions. Use good judgment before you click on any link or access any linked site.

DO Be Thoughtful About Your Post

The Community benefits from posts that express relevant, well-reasoned and thoughtful insights. Some ways to start a great thread include:

  • Share your insights.
  • Respond to the specific issues raised in previous posts.
  • Provide additional details or facts to explain or illustrate your comments.

DO Be Respectful of Others
The Community is available for users that are seeking answers to their questions. Remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and at times, you may not agree. Show gratitude and appreciation for those helping and being helped.

DO Report Anything Suspicious or Dangerous

Help keep the Community honest, tolerant, and considerate. If you see anything suspicious or dangerous, click the "Report Inappropriate Content" button on the applicable post and confidentially tell us about any offending messages.


DO NOT Post Anything Inappropriate

You may not post anything that includes:

  • Profanity
  • Fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, offensive, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind
  • Anything illegal
  • Violations of copyright or other intellectual property rights.
  • Any information or software that contains a virus or other harmful or disruptive component


DO NOT Spam 

You may not post anything involving spam, which includes:

  • Advertisements for other websites and services, or other commercial solicitation
  • Chain letters, pyramid schemes or securities offerings
  • "Bombing" the site or individual threads with repetitive, pointless or irrelevant postings


DO NOT Attack Others

You may not post anything that attacks another user, including:

  • "Flaming" other members or any entities in a manner that might incite or perpetuate a conflict or argument
  • Creating usernames to attack other participants' identities (i.e. choosing a name almost identical for purposes of impersonation, slamming on someone through your name choice) or impersonating other individuals or falsely representing your identity or qualifications
  • Posts made under secondary usernames or other aliases for the purpose of belittling others or the support of it.
  • Posts that breach any users' privacy, e.g. contain personal or sensitive information such as name, address, phone, email address or other identifying information


DO NOT Post Private Information

You may not post any private information. Any information that you post on the Community is posted at your own risk and can be obtained and used by others. Do not reveal information that you do not want to make public, such as by posting your Social Insurance Number or email address on the Community. 


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