After you file

I've been using TurboTax for more than 10 years, and I think this will be the last year. Real and up-to-date information needs to be provided on this IRS problem. I have to pay to do my taxes, over $100 every time, just because I'm self-employed. TurboTax and the IRS have a linked business relationship. They should most definitely step up and release information for their customers this complicated and late tax season. If the plan was to delay people with dependents, THEN IT SHOULD BE STATED. It's not hard to figure out that the IRS used everybody's 2019 to issue the 3rd round stimulus, while people in 2020 have had new dependents and their taxes are being delayed (I believe on purpose, so they don't have to process the earned income credit and pay out the stimulus to children born in 2020, just yet). THEY SHOULD JUST BE UP FRONT WITH PEOPLE AND SAY THE FEDERAL GOVT HAS NOT PRINTED ENOUGH MONEY YET. Furthermore, it is not the IRS' job to make you bear the burden of proof of any new dependents or current dependents with a legitimate SSN, which is on file with the state and federal governments. That's just NOT how it works. And if it does, TurboTax should offer assistance with this. BUT, IT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. You file, the IRS pays you (or you pay them) then they find a red flag, then you get audited. Then you contact a tax attorney and provide them with paperwork. I have NEVER seen this happen before, and I have always been prone to an audit risk (especially Tax Topic 151 Take Action). I'm having a feeling that I'm just about to amend my return now, with another tax service. The IRS doesn't just get to make their own adjustments, while people sit at their mercy and their partner's mercy. Don't feel bad, people. I have children born in 2020, which will probably never see a first stimulus (which is technically the 3rd stimulus). This is the beginning of a big tax code restructure.