Not applicable

Foreign Earned Income & Exclusion Issue - Self-Employed

Hi all! First time using TurboTax (self-employed) and had a bit of an issue today. I live abroad and work for a foreign employer, but am considered as self-employed/an individual contractor.


I entered my gross income from this work in the self-employment section (I have to do this, I am NOT considered an employee). When I went on to the foreign earned income and exclusion section, I entered the same income again, because it is the income I earned in a foreign country. As you could guess, it ended up adding this income to the self-employment income previously entered, doubling my income, which is completely incorrect.


I know that I owe taxes because I am self-employed even though I live abroad, but my tax preparer last year did fill out Form 2555 and put in my self-employment income as foreign earned income and did "exclude" it. 


I mailed my tax return last year and it is my first time trying to e-file. I assume I have just misunderstood the system and entered things incorrectly. Your input and advice on how to properly report my income would be great. Thanks!