Tim S
Returning Member

Deductions & credits

Thanks for your response.  Unfortunately, I still have questions.

The following relates to the worksheet for Form 1116.


1)  The problem is in the ratio computation in lines 12a1-5.  The taxpayer has earned foreign income over the exclusion amount of 105,900 and the spouse does not.  Again my understanding is that the ratio should be computed separately for EACH taxpayer.  Then each ratio is multiplied by the taxes paid by each taxpayer.  Then the TWO reductions are combined.  Below is an example of my understanding followed  by the Turbo tax computation which combines the incomes of both taxpayers and computes a SINGLE ratio.  You will see the results are NOT the same.




L12a1            127,000            76,000   
L12a2            172,000            76,000   
Taxes Paid               14,000              4,000   
Reduction Taxes Paid X Ratio   
                10,337              4,000       14,337Reduction Amount
Turbo Tax computation    
L12a1            127,000            76,000     203,000  
L12a2            172,000            76,000     248,000  
Ratio  0.8185  
Taxes Paid               14,000              4,000       18,000  
Reduction Taxes Paid X Ratio       14,734Reduction Amount
 Difference              397  


2)  Also after selection box d (at the top) there is a boxed area with a drop-down option.  What at the circumstances when: Neither, Taxpayer, Spouse, or Both should be checked?


Thanks .  Any help is appreciated.