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How/why do I enter Schedule C regarding a 1099-MISC provided to me for MA SMART solar incentive payments, which are not related to a business nor self-employment?

These payments were made to me by the electric company (Massachusetts Electric Company, DBA National Grid) as incentives for generating renewable energy via a photovoltaic installation on my home.  I received a 1099-MISC for the total of those payments.  I attempted to enter this simply as a 1099-MISC under "other income", but TurboTax seems to be insisting that I fill out all of the details of a Schedule C as if I had a business or was self-employed.  Neither of those are true.  Certain fields such as "Principal Business Code" are not something that I can enter, so I'm not sure how or why I am being expected to complete a Schedule C nor how to work around this.