Having trouble knowing which 105 box to put student T4A information in. Lots of conflicting help online.

I am having problems with selecting the correct 105 box when entering T4A information. I am using Easy Steps in the downloaded version of TurboTax. If I enter the T4A 105 amount in the first 105 box (Full-time scholarship: also have T2202A with months in Box C) then my return amount goes down. If I enter it in the fifth 105 option (Other taxable scholarships, grants, etc.) my return amount stays the same. While I would love my return amount to not go down, I want to do this properly. I have four T4A forms and a T2202A showing I was a full-time student. One T4A is from the Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities and another is from the Canadian Student Loans Program. I am assuming that both of these T4A slips concern my OSAP loans and grants. The other two T4A slips come from the university. I believe they are due to an internship I had through the university. The university paid my travel expenses to my internship in Japan. The professor who set up the internship wanted me to continue with my internship work upon my return and he paid me for this and that is what I think the last T4A is for. So, the T4A slips involve loans, grants, internship travel and work for a professor. I would love to know where each should be reported.