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What doe I do if I already have a My account email registered at CRA

we already have CRA registered emails and have used NetFile for several years. I can find no method for submiting a return to be prepared for Netfiling and then delivering it to the CRA.

It does not seem wise to try and re-register our existing CRA emails

Please give me a  step by step method for completing the process, The process I am being pointed to seams to be circular and is unclear.

Getting started

If you don’t want to register for the CRA's online mail, then just answer No, I'm not ready to go paperless and click Continue. You may have to scroll down to see the second option.

Here is how to submit your tax return to CRA using the NETFILE service in TurboTax CD/Download: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/2647647

If you are still unable to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support as they will be better able to assist you (*Not available for TurboTax Free users*). https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/3152013