Getting started

Do you have any amounts in box 81, 82 or 83 on your T4 slip? The CRA considers this to be self-employment income, and requires you to fill out the Form T2125: Statement of Business Activities. You only need to fill out the basic information and you don’t need a business number, GST registration, inventory or anything like that. You can, however, claim expenses that you incurred to earn this income.


To get to the self-employment section, click on the “Find” icon in the top right and search for “Self”. Select “Self-Employment” and then click the “Go” button.


If you don’t have any amounts in box 81, 82 or 83 on your T4 slip, you can contact our phone support team for more assistance. They can share your screen and try to help you figure out why this issue is occurring. You can get the correct number by using this form: