Had job & was a part time student in 2019 & 2020,have t2202 & t4a fm university, part of tuition fee was received in bursary, rest I paid.Wt option to select in Box 105?


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Thank you for asking. For the amounts in T4A and T2202a, you need to enter in full whether the tuition was paid through the bursary or not.

This means, if you have a number of months as a part-time student in Box 24, the specific amounts for T4A in the year 2020 you will enter in Box 105 titled "Part-time scholarship: also have T2202a with months in Box 24". 


And for the Tuition fees, select "Students" from the find icon to the top-right corner of the page and click on "Enter new T2202a for your name" and enter the details as per your T2202a slip.


Thank you. 

Getting started

Thank you for replying! There are 2 options in Box 105 for part time students. The bursary I got  was lesser than the tuition fee I paid in 2020. Entire bursary was used to pay tuition fee and remaining tuition fee I paid on my own. If I put my bursary amount in Option 1 "Part-time scholarship: also have T2202 with months in Box 24" I get a lower refund amount as compared to when I put in option 2 "Part-time scholarship fees from T2202 used to reduce part-time scholarship income". Infact, something gets added in my other income if I use option1 "Part-time scholarship: also have T2202 with months in Box 24". CRA tax calculator shows my bursary is not taxable at all. So why my tax refund reduces by choosing this 1st option? Also, what about some tax relief on the portion of tuition fees I paid myself?