Getting started

Often times the income reported on your T4A slip in Box 20 or Box 48 will differ from your actual Business or Self-Employed income. Here's a few options, I wish there was a better solution to this problem.

  1. If you have already reported this income in 2016, you may want to omit the T4A and enter your actual invoice amounts manually on the T2125 - Business Schedule, along with your expenses. CRA would likely contact you in regards to this "missing T4A", at which point you would need to provide an explanation and possibly your invoices to support the claim.
  2. Another option would be to "override" the amount in Box 48 to your figures, but again CRA would have different figures and may request supporting documents. You also would be ineligible for NetFile if you did this but could submit a letter explaining the reasoning behind the different amounts along with your paper filed return.
  3. And lastly, you could contact the payer/client and request an "amended T4A".