Link from Net Capital Loss worksheet to Line 253 is not working. Should I override Line 253 with the amount on Line 127, or can Turbo Tax be fixed to make the transfer?

The 2017 return was prepared by an accountant using their software, and the 2017 return did not include a Loss worksheet for prior year net capital losses, so there is no record of prior year net capital losses on the Notice of Assessment for 2017.  For this reason, I have manually input the prior year capital losses onto the Loss worksheet for 2018.  However, Turbo Tax is not transferring an amount from this worksheet to Line 253 (Turbo Tax software bug?).  

As long as the software is not working for this link, my alternative would appear to be to manually override Line 253.  However, then there is a question of what amount to input.  Given that I would like to fulIy offset the taxable capital gain amount in Line 127, and given that the prior year net capital losses exceed the 2018 taxable capital gain amount, should I input the Line 127 amount into Line 253 using the override feature?